Audio & Podcasts

Listen to recordings covering topics related to physiotherapy and health. Knowledge is power.

Inflammation - The Real Story

Paul joins Brian Redmond in the KCLR studio to talk about inflammation. How inflammation is often misunderstood, how it impacts our health and what we can do to promote a healthy level of inflammation in the body.

Pain - What Really Matters

Paul joins Sue in the KCLR studio to discuss how factors like loneliness have a real impact on pain and health – and what we can do about it to reduce pain related suffering.

For further info, click HERE for a blog post Paul wrote on the topic.

Pain – Your Protector

Paul tells Sue about Pain – how pain has allowed our ancestors to survive; what the leading pain scientists have to say about it; and some crazy stories about how pain behaves in strange ways.

For further info, click HERE for a blog post Paul wrote on the topic.

Posture – It’s Not As Important As You Think

Paul and Sue meet in the KCLR studio to talk about posture and how many physios have been spreading the wrong message for years. They talk about how ‘good’ and ‘bad’ posture are not so important when it comes to pain, and what is actually important for your back health and back pain.

For further info, click HERE for a blog post Paul wrote on the topic.

Exercise for Health: Making Sense of Exercise Guidelines

Paul informs Sue about how people can best take care of their health with exercise – discussing how much and what types of exercises are needed. There are some really practical tips at the end for anybody who wants to take care of their health.

For further info, click HERE for a blog post Paul wrote on the topic.

Strength Training for Health: A Physiotherapist’s Perspective

Paul meets Sue in the KCLR studio to discuss strength training and its importance for health – touching on how strength changes with age, the benefits of getting stronger and tips for anybody to improve their strength.

For further info, click HERE for a blog post Paul wrote on the topic.

Your Bones are Alive and Change with Exercise

Paul tells Sue about how our bones are very much alive, they are adaptable (similarly to muscle) and what we can do to care for our bones.

For further info, click HERE for a blog post Paul wrote on the topic.

Falls: Their impact, why they occur and preventing falls

Paul and Sue are in the KCLR studio to discuss falls – their impact, why falls occur and what we can do to prevent falls.

For further info, click HERE for a blog post Paul wrote on the topic.

Why Exercise is Healthy - Our Ancestors hold the clue...

Paul helps to make sense of why exercise is healthy through an evolutionary lens – talking about where we came from, how active our ancestors were and providing some useful tips for getting fit.

For further info, click HERE for a blog post Paul wrote on the topic.