Blog Posts

Pain: What Really Matters

In a previous blog post, we discussed how we shouldn’t waste our time worrying about posture (even though many people believe it is key for back health – it is not). So, what can we do about pain?...

Pain – Your Protector

There are people around the world who do not experience pain – at least not in the way that we do. You might think that this would be some sort of superpower. You would be wrong. Those born with...

Posture – It’s Not As Important As You Think

There is no such thing as a “good” posture or a “bad” posture – at least not when it comes to back pain and back health. So, slouch back and relax while you read on – safe in the knowledge that you...

Exercise for Health: Making Sense of Exercise Guidelines

Exercise is good for our health – we can all agree on that. Being active seems to be baked into our very being – into our genes. The demands of life meant that our ancestors were constantly active...

Strength Training for Health: A Physiotherapist’s Perspective

Our Ancestors Stayed Stronger for Longer There is a group of hunter gatherers indigenous to Paraguay named the Aché. Like most of us, the Aché can expect to reach their peak level of strength in their...

Your Bones Are Alive: Bones change with exercise

An astronaut can expect to lose about 0.5-1.5% of their bone density per month in space (1). That’s how much a post-menopausal woman might lose in 1 whole year, and it would take a whole decade for a...

Falls: Their impact, why they occur and preventing falls

Falls can bring significant harm, distress and fear. They are a huge burden on Irish society. Falls cost the Irish economy in the region of €1 billion per year. To put that into perspective; that’s...

Exercise for Health: Why Exercise is Healthy

Everyone knows that exercise is good for their health. But WHY is it healthy to be active? Why can’t we sit back, put our feet up, eat a mountain of chocolate and watch TV all day and still be in the...

Exercise for Health: Introduction

We all know that being physically active is important for our health. You’ve heard all the benefits before – REDUCE risk of early death, LOSE WEIGHT, INCREASE ENERGY LEVELS, etc etc etc… But...